Anesthesiology& Pain Medicine

Our Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine comprises the divisions of peri-operative anesthetic management, treatments for various types of chronic pain, and obstetric anesthesia.

Medical services

The Peri-operative Anesthetic Management Division performs preoperative evaluations, anesthesia during surgery, and postoperative analgesia. We perform various anesthesia methods (general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, various nerve blocks), for all kind of surgeries.
The Division of Pain Medicine provides systemic treatments for various types of acute and chronic pain by mainly using different kinds of nerve blocks (epidural block, satellite ganglion block, and others) combining medication or rehabilitation. Since 2016 we provide epidural (with or without spinal) labor 24 hours a day.

Diagnosis and treatment policy

Our treatment motto is “Safety First”. We always pursue to provide the most appropriate treatment and high quality, compassionate care to every patient.

Target diseases

Regarding anesthetic management, we provide anesthesia during all kind of surgeries. In the Division of Pain Medicine, we treat all kinds of acute and chronic pain; neuropathic pain (nerve injury pain), migraines, disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, musculoskeletal pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), pain-related illnesses (cancer pain, arteriosclerosis obliterans), and other. We also treat various neuropathies such as facial nerve palsy and sudden deafness.

Clinical experiences

Regarding anesthetic management, we had approximately 3100 cases (260 / month), in the Division of Pain Medicine, we had over 8000 cases (770 / month, 60-70 / day), and in the Division of obstetric anesthesia, we had 183 cases (25% of total deliveries) in 2019.